Media » Images


Lagos, Thousands forcefully evicted in Badia east

Lagos, Thousands forcefully evicted in Badia east

UK, Imminent “Forced Eviction” by Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead

Justice on the Streets, participatory action research with homeless people in Budapest

Justice on the Streets, participatory action research with homeless people in Budapest

St. Petersburg, Russia, A call for solidarity with tenants in hunger strike

St. Petersburg, Russia, A call for solidarity with tenants in hunger strike

St. Petersburg, Russia, A call for solidarity with tenants in hunger strike

Buenos Aires, Documental Nuestra Mirada (lucha contra desalojos)

Centro Resistencia Cultural Barrial "Manos Unidas" Barrio El Olvido

16F manifestaciones en ciudades españolas: Por el derecho a la vivienda. Contra el genocidio financiero