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Un coloso minero contra el derecho a la vivienda, la tierra y el medio ambiente

el Municipio de São Luís (capital del estado de Maranhão), barrio Alto da Esperança. El territorio donde Vale ha trasladado los habitantes en un área de interés por la empresa, no era

São Luís casas desmoronadas (3)

el Municipio de São Luís (capital del estado de Maranhão), barrio Alto da Esperança. El territorio donde Vale ha trasladado los habitantes en un área de interés por la empresa, no era edificable y no ha podido resistir. Consecuencia: casas derrumbadas y hoyos en las calles (Archivo Najup, julio de 2009)

Un coloso minero contra el derecho a la vivienda, la tierra y el medio ambiente

el Municipio de São Luís (capital del estado de Maranhão), barrio Alto da Esperança. El territorio donde Vale ha trasladado los habitantes en un área de interés por la empresa, no era edificable y no ha podido resistir. Consecuencia: casas derrumbadas y hoyos en las calles (Archivo Najup, julio de 2009)

Un coloso minero contra el derecho a la vivienda, la tierra y el medio ambiente

Ayuntamiento de Açailândia (Maranhão), el barrio industrial de Piquiá. La polución que respiran los habitantes a causa de las industrias siderúrgicas (Soffientini Antonio, septiembre de 2008)

A mining colossus against the right to housing, land and environment

São Luís (capital of Maranhão), district of Alto da Esperança. The ground on which Vale moved the inhabitants of the area of interest of the company, was not suitable for building and did not resist. Consequence: houses fallen to pieces and chasms in the streets (archive Najup, July 2009)

A mining colossus against the right to housing, land and environment

São Luís (capital of Maranhão), district of Alto da Esperança. The ground on which Vale moved the inhabitants of the area of interest of the company, was not suitable for building and did not resist. Consequence: houses fallen to pieces and chasms in the streets (archive Najup, July 2009)

A mining colossus against the right to housing, land and environment

São Luís (capital of Maranhão), district of Alto da Esperança. The ground on which Vale moved the inhabitants of the area of interest of the company, was not suitable for building and did not resist. Consequence: houses fallen to pieces and chasms in the streets (archive Najup, July 2009)

A mining colossus against the right to housing, land and environment

São Luís (capital of Maranhão), district of Alto da Esperança. The ground on which Vale moved the inhabitants of the area of interest of the company, was not suitable for building and did not resist. Consequence: houses fallen to pieces and chasms in the streets (archive Najup, July 2009)

A mining colossus against the right to housing, land and environment

Açailândia (Maranhão), industrial district of Piquiá. The pollution that the population breathes in on account of the steel and iron industries (Antonio Soffientini, September 2008)