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Sfratti e concentrazione di ricchezza dietro la favola AIRBNB

Sfratti e concentrazione di ricchezza dietro la favola AIRNB

Report: Airport Expansion in Indonesia, tourism, land struggles, economic zones and aerotropolis projects

Venezia, «Mi no vado via». A migliaia contro l’invasione di turisti

En septembre à Venise ! Capitale mondiale des résistants aux expulsions causées par le tourisme

Detroit Music Video wins Best Hip Hop Video at the American Music Video Awards; explores tax foreclosures and gentrification

Philippines, Urban poor threatened by evictions express solidarity with ‘familiar tale’ of Grenfell tragedy

Philippines, Urban poor threatened by evictions express solidarity with ‘familiar tale’ of Grenfell tragedy

Philippines, Urban poor threatened by evictions express solidarity with ‘familiar tale’ of Grenfell tragedy

London, Grenfell was a preventable, political tragedy – authorities must urgently act on promises to rehouse all residents locally, regardless of status